Commitment to looking out for those doing the looking after

Published: Friday 5 July 2024

This image shows Professor Soumen Sengupta and IJB chair Lesley McDonald with a local carer

A significant commitment to supporting carers in South Lanarkshire has been endorsed.

At its recent meeting, members of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) of South Lanarkshire supported a refreshed strategy for the future for unpaid carers.

Having been co-designed by South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership officers, partner agencies and, crucially, carers themselves, the approach sets out concrete plans for looking out for those doing the looking after.

Lesley McDonald, Chair of the IJB, said: “Having collaborated closely with carers to develop the strategy, we believe that this approach will make a real and sustainable difference to the lives of carers and in turn those they care for.

“All IJB members were delighted to support a strategy that’s based on real life experience and exemplary partnership working.”

The Strategy builds on the 2019/2022 plan and the framework for delivering improved supports and services to people who provide unpaid care in South Lanarkshire.  It also recognises the challenges unpaid carers face.

South Lanarkshire University HSCP commission two main organisations to provide a vast array of supports and services to adult and young carers. These are Lanarkshire Carers (adult carers’ services) and Action for Children (young carers services.)

Professor Sengupta, Chief Officer of the IJB, added: “We will continue to work together to strengthen our planning and investment and use our resources efficiently to provide support and services to carers. Supports range from respite, wellbeing and counselling to and training and representation, giving carers a voice.

“Every case and story of someone carrying out a caring role is different. Indeed, many people who are caring for a loved one or someone close to them do not identify themselves as a carer.

“We remain absolutely committed to making the best use of the resources that we do have, and to working with partners to promote the advice and supports that are available for unpaid carers within South Lanarkshire.”

The carer representative on the IJB also plays an important role in the Carers Partnership. This role includes representing and championing carers involvement as equal partners and also contributing to good governance ensuring integration authorities implement their statutory obligations.

Linda Craig, the existing carer representative, said: “Having been a carer, I understand in these difficult times the impact the caring role can have on unpaid carers in South Lanarkshire. I now support carers to raise awareness in terms of the Carers Implementation Act 2016, and other matters that are of importance to them in their caring role.

“It's vitally important that we continue to recognise the invaluable contribution unpaid carers make in our community.

“We will continue to build on this collaboration with health and social care colleagues, wider partners in the third sector and carers to achieve positive outcomes for carers in South Lanarkshire."